Monday, November 26, 2007

Another Day at the Doctor

Well, just like it says, today was just another day at the Dr's. Office. I was supposed to go in for a post coital and ultrasound today. Turns out I've already ovulated according to the ultrasound! and they didn't do the post coital because there was no need! The high E2 level they were worried about turned out to be lower and within normal limits when they retested. However my LSH and LH levels were reversed, and now they're thinking PCOS. They want to put me on Metformin after more bloodwork. The cyst they found at last check is gone, and a new corpus luteum was there. I just can't figure out how or when I ovulated! I'm only CD 11 today, and I have never ovulated like this...(I mean in a timely manner). Not to mention I never had any ovulation signs. I'm starting to wonder if the cyst they found today is just active still from the last cycle. Nevertheless they took a lot more blood to test for liver function, E2, progesterone and a whole metabolic panel to make sure I can handle the medication they want to put me on. Even with all of this in the back of my head, I can't help but think if I did ovulate.... I could be pregnant right now...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

more needles; more blood

Tuesday Morning... more blood work. I got a call from the nurse at The NewHope Center with not so good news. My day three labs from last cycle showed elevated estrogen. I'm not real sure what that means exactly, but they wanted to retest to make sure it wasn't a mistake. How sombering this all is....

Friday, November 16, 2007

No need to worry now

I never made it to town last night to get the test. Even though my temp was still up this morning, it turns out 14 DPO still does the trick for the old AF. That also canceled my endo biopsy today, and they have rescheduled a post coital and another ultrasound for Monday Nov. 26, on the assumption I will have a dominant follicle. 10 days to wait this out.... I'm just ready to get on with the actual treatments!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

temp is still up

Well... I really don't know what to think. I'm at least 14DPO and my temp is still up. I don't know how I can still think positive about that, considering the x-rays and now the doxycyclene (which is not recommended in pregnancy). I'm going to town tonight to get a test. Tomorrow morning will tell the tell. I'm expecting my temp to drop, but if it doesn't I'm going to test just to be sure. I'm really nervous about the biopsy tomorrow afternoon... especially after the HSG ordeal.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Finally got the test results!

Whew! Who knew that it would take a full week to get my test results back! I was expecting them a lot sooner! Anyhow, while I was home at lunch today, Nurse Robin (different from Dr. Robin) called with the results. Turns out the boys are swimming fine! I never once doubted the trouble was with them though! On the other hand, not such good news for me. It turns out that the blood work showed I DID ovulate before the HSG, probably on CD 8. This was four full days before the ultrasound and HSG. The bad news to this is, any egg at all, whether fertilized or not, was more than likely washed out of the tubes by the HSG dye. If it did happen to stay and be fertilized, the x-rays probably killed it, or severely damaged the cells. So this cycle was a bust! I'm just tickled that I actually ovulated without any induction treatments (that's a rarity!) The other not so good news is I have some sort of bacterial infection that can be passed back and forth between partners, and it's presence can really affect pregnancy. So we'll both be on antibiotics for awhile.
So what's next? More blood work this Wednesday (progesterone test) and an endometrial biopsy this Friday. If I've figured up my days right, ol' AF will probably be here Thursday, so I don't know if the biopsy will be canceled or not.

On the good news side; tubes are clear, the cyst on my right ovary is gone, and the cyst on my left ovary is more than likely the corpus luteum from ovulating, and there's nothing else to really dwell on!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

So good

Well after Monday's appointment at The New Hope Center I've got a more positive outlook on the situation. I'm still waiting for them to call with the final results, since I have yet to meet with Dr. Robin. Upon first arriving they preformed the HSG, which by far did not go down without a hitch. Of course this is my second HSG, so I made sure to tell them all about the problems the Doctor had doing the first one, and sure enough they ran into the same thing. Evidentally I have a retroverted uterus. Basically it means the passage from my cervix takes a very hard turn and it made it very difficult to put the catheter in. (not to mention painful), but after some pushing, wiggling, and threatening with weird looking gadgets, we finally pushed through and were able to do the test. Guess what? BOTH tubes appeared to be OPEN!!! There are some other things going on with my tubes that I have to find more info about, but for the most part, they seem clear. Then was the sperm analysis, which I won't go into any detail about. The ultrasound followed that. I'll write more later when I find out more.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Getting Nervous

I got the confirmation appointment call last night... So Monday morning I go back in for another series of tests. It's the HSG that's got me nervous. Last time I had this done, it hurt sooooo bad! and since the Doctor couldn't get the dye in right the first time, he had to do it again. I'm encouraged by the words of the new doc, who says the reason it hurt so bad was because they forced the blockages in my tubes open. She reassured me that they would not do that, but still advised me to take strong pain killers about a half hour before the procedure. What I'm really nervous about is what the results are going to be. I'm not sure if I want them to be blocked (which would give me an explanation of why I haven't gotten pregnant yet and the option of going straight into IVF) or if I hope they're not blocked (which means lots more testing and other options, but I don't get to jump right into deciding on IVF) I'm also having an ultrasound to check on the cyst in my ovary, and to check for any other problems. I still haven't got the confirmation for the semen analysis appointment... I just hope we can get it all scheduled together.

And oh, they also said my first round of blood work was back and as soon as Dr. Robin looked over the results, they would be calling me to let me know what it all means. By the way, this first round of tests was checking my ovarian reserve. It never even occurred to me that I might not even have any eggs to make babies :(