Monday, June 30, 2008


okay - so as pretty as a chart might be, looks aren't everything! Of course AF had to show up early and ruin yet again another beautiful looking chart! However on the positive side, I've got my appointment set for tomorrow and if all looks well I'll start the injectables! I've got to say, I'm a little scared - NO! I'm a lot scared. I just don't know if I can stick that big 'ol needle in my belly everyday... But for Baby... Bring on the bruises!

Pray for us this week, that we may get the go ahead to start these treatments, that we will have safe travel to and from the RE's office and that I stim nicely and everything goes well for the trigger and ovulation and possible pregnancy.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Look at that thing! She's a beauty right!

This month has been one of the most stressful months on the TTC front. We both know this is our last chance of conceiving the 'Natural Way' before moving on to bigger and better medications. It's a little heartbreaking to think of it that way... However natural it may have been, we still tried things a little different this month, using pre-seed and Instead cups. I've heard it worked wonders for others so I thought what the heck! It's just another shenanigan I've added to the list of gimmicks and tricks. We also took a 'relaxing' mini vacation to the beach (right when I was supposed to O!!!)... I say relaxing but I don't think I did that at all! It was good to get away, but relaxing isn't the word I would use....

However doubtful I may be, this morning when I woke up I couldn't help but be a little excited to see that high temp. Even though I know I didn't sleep well and I know deep down that's probably why it jumped. This weekend should tell the tale. Say a prayer that the line turns green and stays that way!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I've put it off again

yeap... I did it again. I've put the injectables off one more time. It's not because I wanted too, I promise you that! This time? First for vacation, now for scheduling issues... However there are still a lot of unanswered questions that need to be resolved before we take this any farther. I've got the meds, know what to do, I just need to find time in my schedule (and DH's) to take me three times a week to VA. Beach until I ovulate. ugh. I really do hate that ride.

June really wasn't a good month for us anyhow. That's what I keep telling myself.