Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Okay - so I called the office today to get a refill for my met, and asked about the delay in my next appt. (2/18) when I was supposed to start ovulation induction THIS upcoming cycle with new procedures. All the nurse could say was she was sorry and that there was nothing they could do for this cycle. "NOTHING" I said, but she just kept apologizing. I asked for clomid she said "NO!" I asked for Fermera, she said they don't use that there, and she was "sorry" but I still have to let them know when cd1 is and have the regular blood work done. My heart sunk right then and there! They still want to do a post coital, and a endo biopsy but won't give me anything to make me ovulate to get those tests done. To make matters worse she told me the consultation is more about my insurance coverage than my course of treatment. Basically the Dr. Found out I don't have insurance after the 5Grand for dx testing and she won't do anything else until we 'talk'. UGH! They will try to fit me in if a cancellation occurs, but I'm about a 2hr drive one way to my RE, so I usually have to take the whole day off, because they always seem to schedule me around the lunch hour! (and they know how far I am too!)

Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get that off my chest!

I know I shouldn't let this info get me so down, and I don't know if it's all the hormones I'm taking or all the pregnancies happening on the boards and everywhere, but today....

I'm just down.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Well, I had all of the blood work redone and I now have a new theory...
Somebody, somewhere, screwed up!

My second beta came back at <1, so I am definitely NOT pregnant. That leaves a very important question out there though... Was I ever pregnant?

From my understanding, there are only a few things that produce HCG in the body. A pregnancy, certain tumors and cysts, and certain cancers. The nurse kinda shook it off like the lab made a mistake with the blood work, but I kinda find that highly unlikely with all the advances in technology and as many times a day as they test for that hormone. Another thought that I read online somewhere is that the test was actually picking up another hormone that is very similar to HCG, called LH. That's possible I suppose, but nevertheless, for a day or two my mind was SPINNING!

First I get the call that I have a positive beta
Then I get the news that the number indicates bad stuff (i.e. miscarriage)
THEN they tell me it was probably a lab mistake


I am relieved it's not cancer (at least I assume not, since the numbers went down).

I'm expecting a call today from the RE's office. They want to schedule a time for me to have a consultation with Dr. Robin. Finally I get to meet her - but it's sorta bittersweet I suppose. After the short few months I've been going to this office, I've come to realize that only the most difficult cases are passed on to Dr. Robin. Usually these are IUI and IVF cases. The bittersweet part is that after some discussion, I don't think we are ready to go that route... So maybe injectables or some other sort of ovulation induction, but I'm ready to do something! I've already started provera to start the new cycle, and we're gonna move this time! I'm looking to have a baby this year!

2008 IS THE DATE!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's been a while now

It's been some time since I've logged onto here to express my feelings. I think I was carried away from the whole TTC scene over the Christmas Holiday, and now I'm just getting back to life...

Well I had another RE appointment this past week. They were supposed to check for any signs of ovulation. They didn't find any signs of ovulation, but instead they found a surprise! This morning the Dr. called and wanted me in asap for more blood work. She got me all curious so I asked her why.... Here's why. I had a positive HCG BETA!!!! The level was only 10 (very very very low), and my progesterone was very low (0.9). BUT a positive beta.... wow. I'll get my blood work done in the morning.

I'm thinking I had a chemical pregnancy or miscarriage last month. but a positive beta.... wow.

as you can tell I'm still in shock.